PRETTY / PECULIAR. Oh my goodness, I could not be more excited about this show! I was invited by the Alison Milne Gallery in Toronto to co-curate an exhibition, which was ridiculously fun because, as you can see, we have a very similar taste in art. Enter “PRETTY / PECULIAR”… yep, two of my favorite things, especially when combined! Here is the curatorial statement, along with a list of the fabulous female artists who are participating:
“Beautiful and odd. Colorful and bizarre. From cashmere-covered deer to plush handguns, from enchanted landscapes to painted gloves and undergarments – the female artists featured in this exhibition create very different work, but with a very similar result. Their work is an invitation to escape into a world of the wonderfully weird. Come on in! Exhibiting artists include (order of images above: Seonna Hong, Natalie Baxter, Martha Rich, Rachel Denny, Tania Love, Tonya Corkey, Tina Berning, and Bunnie Reiss“
That’s right, the work of eight of my favorite artists all hanging in one gorgeous space at the same time. Ah-mazing! Ok, so here’s what you need to know: Dec 1 ~ Jan 7th // Opening Thursday Dec 1 , 7~9pm RSVP: // 134 Osler St, Suite 3, Toronto // Enjoy!

Absolutely fab!
Great! I’ll send my Toronto friends to attend. Maybe ask them to get me a copy of 100 Girls on Cheap Paper book as well.
yes! (such a gorgeous book!)
We are thrilled about this show too! It is engaging and humorous and quite unexpected with a variety of unconventional mediums. It’s been so fun watching it all come together!
i’m so excited about it too… thank you for asking me to do this with you! so. much. FUN!
I loved every bit of this show! It was such a treat to see the work I’ve admired online in real life, sort of like meeting a friend of a friend for the first time. Thanks!