“lands of wool and cake”


The first time I saw this Iceland-inspired work, I gasped out loud… and then I gasped again when I realized these stunning landscapes were created using Icelandic wool, chocolate cake, and blue milk! Yep, Canadian-Hungarian artist Eszter Burghardt creates magic from everyday items. You can listen right up there under that wooly lagoon, or you can subscribe on iTunes.

The first series we talked about features these wooly wonders, titled “Wooly Sagas”


That moss! That little chunk of blue ice! A wooly volcano!?

Ok, I cannot wait to show you a few of her pieces from the “Edible Vistas” series! Cake, coffee, poppy seeds, crumbled cookies… and yes, blue milk:


What!? Oh my goodness, I never get tired of staring at these. And also, I want chocolate cake now.

There was a bit of talk about imaginary friends who happened to be wolves, and the wooly wolf costume she made her husband wear for her project titled “In Sheep’s Clothing”:


Wow. That mouth is amazing.

Ahh, and one of Eszter’s latest series, “Tales for Tuktu”, the story of a tapir that tries to move north, but isn’t exactly welcomed by the locals:


So moving, and so much bigger than I realized! I included that last photo of Eszter in action so you could see the scale. Gorgeous. Speaking of gorgeous, Eszter in her happy place:


Sigh. Yes, I can understand why she is so completely inspired by Iceland and all of its natural magic {these images, and many more beauties, can be found on her lovely instagram feed}.

Thank you so much to Eszter for taking the time out of her very busy day (she’s the mother of twin 3 year old boys!); thanks to Saatchi Art for supporting yet another episode; thanks to audible.com for making my new book into an audio book – it’s officially available now – and of course, thank YOU so much for listening! There will be more art for your ear next weekend.

comments (4)

  1. Caren /// 12.05.2016 /// 9:57am

    You would never guess that those are made with food-stuff! And a funny side note Danielle, my 5 year old for the last several weeks has been role playing a dog, just like you explained your son used to 🙂

  2. Nicole Reddington /// 12.05.2016 /// 3:39pm

    So cool to look at these works again after hearing the interview – so intriguing & easy to get lost in! I really admire how Eszter rode the wave of early motherhood acknowledging how there was creativity brewing as opposed to stressing about making work all along.

  3. Eszter Burghardt and The Jealous Curator | HKG Blog /// 12.07.2016 /// 11:47am

    […] Listen to this great podcast with The Jealous Curator and Herringer Kiss Gallery artist, Eszter Burghardt. https://www.thejealouscurator.com/blog/2016/12/02/lands-of-wool-and-cake/ […]

  4. Lysa Flower /// 08.22.2017 /// 7:41pm

    Mount St Helens erupted May 18, 1980. It was all over the news. I wonder if that’s why Eszter thought of North America as the land of Volcanoes? If it was, that worked out well! Such dreamy landscapes.


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