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hollie chastain

Oh my goodness. This is the latest work from American artist Hollie Chastain. I’ve written about Hollie a zillion times, because what she does with found images and old books is always beautiful. Case in point… look what she’s doing now!? Those forgotten book pages had no idea they were about to be woven together! LOVE. Happy Friday.

hollie chastain book … and a give-away!

And the winner is ….. Jamie Lee Osborne! Thank you so much to everyone that entered! It is a gorgeous, helpful, advice-filled book so if you see it on bookshelves during your holiday shopping, GRAB IT! 


What!? American collage artist Hollie Chastain wrote AND illustrated a book! Oh my word, this is who you want to learn your ‘collage how-tos’ from. It’s filled cover to cover with mixed media techniques, step-by-step instructions, inspirational bits ‘n pieces, AND a whole bunch of lovely paper at the back to get you started. And guess what… yep, I have one to give to one of you! Just leave a comment below and I’ll draw one lucky name on Friday November 24th. Anyone from anywhere can enter… good luck, and happy Monday!

ps. If you can’t wait for the draw, “If You Can Cut, You Can Collage”, hit shelves last week! Find it right here.

hollie chastain


SUMMER! I want a homemade popsicle while I sit in a tree with my friends! Sigh, good times. I always love the work {mixed media collage on vintage book covers} by American artist Hollie Chastain, but when I saw these summery beauties, well the kid in me freaked out a tiny bit. Love.

{All of these pieces are available as insanely affordable prints in her Etsy shop, and even more beauties can be found in the shop on her site.}

hollie chastain


Vintage meets contemporary, and they fall madly in love! Found images, bright pops of color, and simple/modern compositions… hm, I think I’m madly in love too! These four collages are the work of Chattanooga based artist Hollie Chastain. They were in my show at the Bedford Gallery in California – what an absolute thrill to see them in person. The show came down yesterday, and I’m feeling a little bit sad… but you know what’s cheering me up? I just added these four pieces as prints {insanely affordable prints … $25!} to my online gallery! There are only a few of each so pop over now if you want to scoop one up. Happy weekend!

i’m jealous of hollie chastain… again

Yes, I need someone to massage my head too… I am totally overwhelmed by how much I love these book cover collages by American artist Hollie Chastain. I wrote about her ages ago, but when I came across a few of these new pieces, clearly I had no choice but to write another post! LOVE

{ps. I am so thrilled to say that Hollie is one of the artists that will be featured in my book, and you better believe that these book covers will be in there… YAY!}

i’m jealous of hollie chastain


Sigh. More amazing mixed media. I’m always so impressed {ie. crushed by jealousy} when an artist can do something so simple, using only a few elements, and still make their work feel special/unique. Chattanooga based artist Hollie Chastain is one of those artists. Finding her was quite unique as well… I was writing another post when my browser window popped up with her work on it {via Papernstitch}. Seriously. I don’t know where or what I accidentally clicked on but I sure was happy when her work dropped in my lap. Thank you Art Gods. I owe you one.

gift round-up!

December 1st calls for a list of art stuff, because that’s all I want this every year! Here are just a few of my favorite things from 2017 … {ps. scroll to the bottom for links}

BAGS: from one of NIAD‘s artists, Sarah Malpass… love! / BOOKS: A Glorious Freedom by Lisa Congdon; Your Inner Critic Is A Big Jerk by me; If You Can Cut You Can Collage by Hollie Chastain; On the Loom by Maryanne Moodie / ART SUPPLIES: Weaving Starter Kits by Maryanne Moodie; ArtSnacks monthly supply subscription (ps. if you enter ‘thejealouscurator’ you’ll get 10% off at checkout) ; Stand alone supplies from the ArtSnacks shop / CERAMICS: Bowls & more by Mariko Paterson; Mugs by Molly Hatch via Anthropologie; Incense holders by Kinska / ‘RANDOM CRAP’: Tote Bag by Martha Rich; Cat T-Shirt by Martha Rich; Socks by Martha Rich; Bob Ross Board Game {not by Martha Rich}.

And of course, if you’re looking for ART, type “shop” in my search bar and you’ll find the posts with links to artists who have shops. If you want to do a bit of art browsing, I’d suggest visiting Saatchi Art for prints & originals, and Limited by Saatchi Art for limited edition prints….

*Portrait by János Huszti ; Circles by Slavomir Zombek; Abstract by HyunRyoung Kim

“no one ever wants ducks”

Who wants to come to ‘Walkyland’ with me today? Yes, I’m so thrilled to be talking to Swedish born, London based artist and illustrator Monika Forsberg! You can listen right under those lovely ducks, or you can subscribe on iTunes.

First up, this link to “Mummy Needs Gin“, a hilarious animation she did for Channel 4 in England. So, so good! Also good… some of Monika’s pieces I wrote about a few years ago:

Yep, still love ’em!

Ok, we got right into it {well, after talking about dogs and stuff}. Here are just a few of the collaborations she’s done with some very big brands. No.1: Anthropology:

Oh, I love that swan pillow. Next collab… Monika’s patterns walking the runway for Australian brand, Gorman:

That would be surreal… to see your drawings walking down a runway?! Also surreal… getting a call from Valentino! Here are a few of the hearts she did for their Hong Kong store:

Not only was the turn-around time on that project insanely fast, she was also planning her youngest son’s birthday party over the same few days. And her oven was broken. Mummy needs gin, indeed.

These next whimsical pieces are just a handful of the gems she’s done for eeboo:

Ok, it’s official… I need one of those puzzles for the holidays this winter.

I love what Monika said about starting to make / share her patterns. If you want to get certain kinds of jobs that you aren’t getting, show that you can do it and hopefully the phone will start to ring! I’d call about these for sure:

Those horses. Come on! Next, the cover of the crayon book she illustrated … and wrote! The writing part came as a bit of surprise apparently ; )

Of course I had to include a few of the dinos we were talking about:

No quetzalcoatlus, but that’s cool. And finally, last but not least… DUCKS!

She was not kidding … she really does love drawing ducks. She said no one ever calls asking for ducks, but maybe they will now!

So, I always like to end a podcast post with a photo of the artist, but Monika is not a fan of selfies. I’m kinda glad because it forced me to dig until I found this:

Ah! Little Monika in Northern Sweden, moments after “knitting a worm”. LOVE! Thank you so so so much to Monika for putting her phone anxiety aside for an hour so we could hear her inspiring story; thanks to Saatchi Art for supporting the episode; and of course thank you so much for listening. There will be more art for your ear next weekend.

Other links:

  1. Monika on Instagram
  2. Hollie Chastain episode
  3. Mummy Needs Gin animation – for Channel 4
  4. Kate Woodrow, Literary Agent
  5. Barbapapa!


“collagmically connected”

Well, this show has been a long time coming! I’ll let my curatorial statement do the talking about the latest show I just put up at Fancy Schmancy Gallery

“Three collage artists living in completely different parts of the world – Hollie Chastain in Chattanooga Tennessee, Hagar Vardimon in Amsterdam, and me, Danielle Krysa in a small town in Western Canada – yet we have a strange habit of creating very similar work. A lot. I thought it was high time the three of us show together, and so “Collagmically Connected” was born. We agreed on the theme of “home” and off we went to create two collages each… and wouldn’t you know it, we all came back with four pieces. From house numbers, to protective gardens, to finding our way back home – Hollie + Hagar + Danielle = collagmically connected 4ever.”

Yes! Oh, I love this show so much. Twelve original collages by three artists who have been weirdly, and wonderfully, connected for years. Pop over to the gallery soon because I have a feeling these will go quickly. ps. check out “past shows” while you’re there … there are still a few pieces available from the three previous shows.

summer camp 3 : unconventional and absurd

Unconventional and absurd? Yep, that pretty much describes my “s’moreo” photo for the day 7 prompt {“snacks”} from the first week of camp {combined with a photo of me, age 6}. And yes, you better believe I have a fresh s’moreo sitting right beside me at this very moment! So, before we get started on week 3 at AFYE Summer Camp, I want to show you just a handful of images created for last week’s art project (hashtagged #AFYEcamp). “Collaboration-Nation”, indeed! I did it too {posted below} by getting my husband and son to each make marks on a scary wooden panel I’ve been nervous to “ruin”… and I love it! Red marks made by my son Charlie, orange marks by my husband / amazing AFYE producer Greg, and the final piece by me:


Ahh, finally, that wood panel has paint on it… the title: “The rainbows and candy-colored chaos gave it away – Suzanne was hashtag blessed.”

And, of course, here are just a few of the many, many fabulous pieces you all collaborated on {photo credit links are at the very bottom of the post} :

So fantastic! Speaking of which, let’s get on to this week’s challenge:

Art Project No.3 

Shopping List : Yep, we’re heading to the grocery store for our art supplies this week {feel free to buy ingredients for s’moreos while you’re there!}. Using unconventional, AND CHEAP, materials can help bring back that fun, childlike joy in making. Paper plates, bags of macaroni, lunch bags, plastic bags from the bakery dept, pie tins, potatoes for potato stamps… whatever you can find! And if you want this to be super duper cheap, ie free, just raid your recycle bin!

Artist Examples: 

Here are three artists who don’t use the usual go-to art supplies for their work. First, American artist Hollie Chastain. She uses old book covers in place of canvas:

UK based artist Claire Brewster works with old maps and atlases:

Lydia Ricci uses, well, everything:

And finally, a few images of the absurdity embracing Eva Hesse:


Ah, another week of camp done… another s’moreo eaten! Thank you to Saatchi Art for supporting summer camp, and thanks so much to you for listening! AFYE camp will be back on Saturday June 17th … until then, be sure to hashtag your unconventional material piece {or pieces!} on Instagram with #AFYEcamp. Have fun!

Other links:

  1. Hollie Chastain on AFYE : Episode 15
  2. Claire Brewster on AFYE : Episode 84
  3. “Eva Hesse” – Documentary by Marcie Begleiter and Karen Shapiro
  4. Book signing at Book Passage Ferry Building, SF (June 9th, 6pm)
  5. Hotbed Benefit 2017
  6. Plant Hope Foundation
  7. Venice! European Cultural Academy
  8. TO SUBSCRIBE TO THE PODCAST: subscribe on iTunes.

*Photo credits from Project No.2, in the order they appear above:

1. @mary_stack // 2. @elisegedig  //  3. @nullsie  //  4. @bababeloco  //  5. @mlestudio

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