“never let the world define you”

I’ve wanted to interview American artist Beverly Fishman for years… but, honestly, I was too intimidated to ask! Not only has she shown her work all over the world, she was also the head of the painting program at Cranbrook for 26 years. Yeah. Anyway, long story short – I asked, she said yes, and here we are! I’m so excited for you to hear this episode… it’s filled to the brim with stories, insights, and no-nonsense roll up your sleeves ‘n get to work advice. You can listen right up there under Bev and her jaw-dropping work, or subscribe on Apple Podcasts and/or Spotify.

First, the group of Bev’s paintings {!?} I posted a few months ago:

Yes, they’re paintings. Craziness.. they are literally glowing!

Here’s the piece I was referring to when I asked Beverly about titles. This is “Untitled (Digestive Problems, Asthma, Depression, Depression)”, 2019, Urethane paint on wood:

Gorgeous … who knew digestive problems, asthma, depression, and depression could be so fabulous!? Well, Bev did.

Up next, her carpal tunnel causing collages:

I love that her work translates into so many mediums, yet you always know it’s “Beverly Fishman”. Speaking of which… from paintings of pills, to pills made with glass:

Gasp! Aren’t those STUNNING? These beauties were the result of  her 2011 Guest Artist Pavilion Project (GAPP) residency at the Toledo Museum of Art. I would love to collaborate with a glass artist at some point… okay, I’m officially putting that on my very detailed “list of things I want to do”.

And finally, I had to include a few of these gems from the 80s & 90s:

Seriously. Such a kick-ass woman! Huge thanks to Beverly for coming on the podcast to share her stories, insights, and fabulous advice… and, of course, thank YOU for listening. There will be more ART FOR YOUR EAR next weekend. ps. If you’d like to subscribe to ‘The NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH ART Society’ to receive my new daily art deliveries, you can sign up right here. ~ Danielle

Other links:

  1. Beverly on Instagram
  2. “Prometheus Bound” {Painting by Rubens}
  3. University of the Arts, Philadelphia
  4. Ree Morton, Artist
  5. Cynthia Carlson, Artist
  6. Yale University
  7. Mel Bochner, Artist
  8. Elizabeth Murray, Artist
  9. Eva Hesse, Artist
  10. Cranbrook Academy of Art
  11. Mark Bradley-Shoup, Artist {episode no.12}
  12. Petah Coyne, Artist {episode no.186}
  13. Sydney Blum, Artist 
  14. Samantha Fields, Artist & Educator {on the podcast: ep.91 & ep.153}
  15. Bev’s Art Institute of Chicago Talk … watch it on YouTube
  16. “Love Letter to LA” at Gavlak Los Angeles, May 1 – June 5, 2021


comments (5)

  1. “never let the world define you” - fooledbyart /// 03.19.2021 /// 9:28pm

    […] Posted bythe jealous curator […]

  2. jen /// 04.10.2021 /// 12:31pm

    just finished listening to the episode “never let the world define you” with Beverly Fishman, and I was just hooked to her every word. Maybe its what I needed to hear, but in these extremely difficult times for artists, listening to the trials and perseverance from such a well respected creator was a real hit for me. I’ve personally always felt this deep yearning to create and been drawn to this life of uncertainty, shadowed by struggle and doubt but also fulfillment unmarked by anything else. I resonated with the entire conversation that I just had to write and say thank you and great great episode!

  3. the jealous curator /// 04.12.2021 /// 11:01am

    oh i’m so glad! and yes, i was hooked on her every word, too 🙂

  4. Maria /// 01.25.2022 /// 7:17am

    I just listening to this. I’m a bit behind. As I’m transitioning from full-time educator to full-time artist. I needed to hear Beverly’s words. What a work ethic. Inspiring. Thank you Danielle for interviewing her. You are a rock star for sharing all this inspiration with us.

  5. the jealous curator /// 01.28.2022 /// 9:48am

    oh! thank YOU for listening… and good luck on your new adventure!


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