search /// Myriam Dion

myriam dion

Newspapers. Yes. I have written about Canadian artist Myriam Dion before, and I’ll do it again! Since it’s Canadian Thanksgiving today, I thought posting about Myriam’s work would be a perfect way to give thanks … I’m thankful that there are amazingly talented artists in the world who are capable of turning today’s horrific headlines into paper lace. I’m also thankful that Myriam agreed to let me tell her inspiring story and share her insanely intricate work in my new book. How could I not, right? Right. Happy Monday, and Happy Thanksgiving to my fellow Canucks. I’m going to eat pumpkin pie now. Bye!

myriam dion

Gasp! This is new work by Canadian artist Myriam Dion. I’ve written about her before, and I’ll do it again! In fact, I’m including her story and work in my upcoming book… how can I not?! Working slowly and carefully, Myriam meticulously transforms heavy front page headlines into delicate lace. Beautiful. And speaking of beautiful, here is one of her quotes from the book:

“I conceive my work like a gift of my time. I wish to give that tranquillity to viewers, that they can use this time to contemplate with attention and let themselves sink in the act of observation.” ~ Myriam Dion, 2017

myriam dion


Today is Thanksgiving in Canada… you know what I’m thankful for? Insanely talented Canadian artists like paper-cutting genius Myriam Dion. These are newspapers. Newspapers! Newspapers cut into delicate, ornate, paper lace. Sigh. Amazing. Now I need some pumpkin pie. Happy turkey day to my fellow Canucks xo

ps. I wrote about her two years ago. Right here.

i’m jealous of myriam dion

A stack of newspapers, a very sharp x-acto blade, and Canadian artist Myriam Dion. I think all I can muster is “my goodness”… ok, I’m going back to spend my weekend staring at the perfect, detailed, poetic cuts that she has made to this pile of yesterday’s headlines. Sigh.

{…thanks to MissPixels for sending this beautiful work my way}

dear 2013…

Dear 2013,

This is our last day together, so I just wanted to say… you were amazing.

You were filled with art that was delicate, mysterious, funny, touching, strange, controversial, and breath-taking.

You were there when I finished my first bookand started on my second.

You took me to all sorts of lovely places like Salt Lake CityChattanoogaAustinLA, and Maui. {ps. In January, Stefan Sagmeister kissed me in SLC, so that was a pretty great way to kick off the year!}

You gave me the chance to guest write for lovely folks like Victoria Smith on sfgirlbybay, Emily Henderson, and Anthology Magazine.

You were the first year that I really gave my own artwork a shot… even if I resisted. A lot.

You were the year I spent settling into a new town, and home, with my amazing husband and super sweet little boy. We had twelve months of adventure ~ making new friends, swimming in the lake, fishing, jumping off docks, and eating more ice cream than three people should ever consume.

You were also the one that introduced me to so many lovely new friends {like Stephanie, Emily H, Ginny, Leah, Emily LSamantha, Mark, Alyson, Melinda, & Diana}, and gave me time to visit with some really wonderful old friends {Autumn, Kathleen, Jessica, Mary-Jo, Janette, Melanie, Meleny, Christy, Janna & Jason, Kira … love you guys!}. AND there are so many more of you who I plan to catch up with in 2014… I’m talking to you Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, New York, Toronto and Vancouver friends! I might even make my way to Paris and London {fingers crossed!}

And finally, you did a pretty good job of teaching me how to slow down, so that I could truly enjoy everything along the way. Thanks. I needed that!

So, with that I’ll say bye bye, 2013. I can’t wait to meet your pal, 2014… I’m pretty excited to see what she’s got in store for all of us.

~ danielle xo

Happy New Year, everyone. I hope you have an amazing, fun, safe night tonight! Thank you so much for being part of my little world, I appreciate it more than I could ever put into words.

Ok, are you ready? 2014. Let’s fill it up with creative genius… GO!

{1. Prospect Goods 2. Rachel Castle 3. CONFETTI SYSTEM 4. Max Wanger 5. ROTGANZEN}

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